2023 Update: Who in Africa is Ready for Nuclear Power?

Solar, hydro, wind, and gas are the most common options for African countries to meet their energy needs,…
Third Way and Energy for Growth Hub have been mapping the global market for advanced nuclear over the…
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted energy supply chains and raised financing costs across the world, creating major…
Since 2015, Third Way has been tracking the evolution and growth of advanced nuclear innovation projects in the…
The Hub and Third Way collaborated to create a new interactive map that provides a first-of-a-kind ‘nuclear readiness’…
Jake Kincer overviews the Hub’s research assessing the readiness of advanced nuclear adoption around the world with AfriNuke…
Advanced nuclear has the potential to help meet both future energy demand and climate goals. But is this…
The Hub and Third Way collaborated to create a new interactive map that provides a first-of-a-kind ‘nuclear readiness’…