Sugandha Srivastav is a Fellow at the Energy for Growth Hub. She is a Lecturer in Environmental Economics at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, a Senior Research Fellow at Institute for New Economic Thinking Oxford, and an Oxford Net Zero Fellow. Sugandha’s research explores policies for power market decarbonisation and development. She has done in-depth research on contracts in the power sector, exploring how well-designed contracts can induce innovation and, poorly designed contracts can lead to technological lock-in and severely mis-aligned incentives. Sugandha’s data work has contributed substantially to PPA transparency in Asia. Sugandha’s research has appeared in popular media outlets such as Financial Times, BBC, VoxDev, Economist, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and The Guardian. Sugandha has a PhD in Environmental Economics from the University of Oxford, an MSc. in Economics from the London School of Economics and a BSc. (Hons) in Economics, Politics and International Studies from Warwick. Prior to academia, Sugandha worked at ICRIER, a New Delhi-based think tank, and as an energy and environmental economist at Vivid Economics advising governments, private firms, and international organisations on carbon pricing, renewable energy policy, green industrial policy and natural resource management. Sugandha has lived in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Fiji Islands, China, Italy, Myanmar, and the United Kingdom.