Energy for Growth Hub

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136 results found

Generating Meaningful Energy Systems Models for Africa
Op-Eds Jun 19, 2023 Rose Mutiso, Michael Dioha

Generating Meaningful Energy Systems Models for Africa

Bringing expertise, data, and model development “home” to African countries is interrelated and mutually reinforcing with achieving electrification, development, and climate goals on the continent.

Better Metrics and Data
Shaping Energy Transitions
The climate change debate dividing the World Bank
Media Coverage Apr 14, 2023 Politico

The climate change debate dividing the World Bank →

Addressing climate change by transitioning the world’s power grids, automobiles and industries to greener sources will cost trillions — and Janet Yellen and European authorities have no desire for massive new spending right now.

Europe’s Hunger for Gas Leaves Poor Countries High and Dry
Op-Eds Feb 01, 2023

Europe’s Hunger for Gas Leaves Poor Countries High and Dry

Originally published in Foreign Policy, February 1, 2023. Almost one year after Russian forces invaded Ukraine, Moscow’s natural gas…

Future of Energy Tech