Five ways the African Continental Free Trade Agreement can de-risk the continent’s power sector

At COP26, over 40 countries pledged to phase out coal completely by 2030-2040, but achieving these goals won’t…
Originally posted on World Economic Forum. Africa is urbanizing faster than any other continent, at a rate of…
The plan, which is a partnership with the African Development Bank, would halve the number of people living without electricity on the continent by 2030.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted energy supply chains and raised financing costs across the world, creating major…
Next week is make-or-break for the United States to show an actual alternative to Chinese-backed infrastructure. President Biden…
Varun Sivaram heads anyone’s short list of global solar power experts. A physicist, best-selling author and clean energy technology expert with experience spanning the corporate, policy and academic sectors, Sivaram was most recently the CTO of ReNew Power, India’s largest renewable energy firm. His 2018 book, Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet, was heralded by the Financial Times as “the best available overview of where the industry finds itself today, and a road map for how it can reach that brighter future.”