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43 results found

BUILDing a DFC Fit for Purpose: Eight recommendations for a robust reauthorization of America’s development finance institution
Memo Nov 14, 2023

BUILDing a DFC Fit for Purpose: Eight recommendations for a robust reauthorization of America’s development finance institution

BLUF: Looming reauthorization is an opportunity to reinvigorate DFC’s ability to support US national goals. We suggest eight ways Congress can give the agency the resources and flexibility needed to live up to its original vision.
Making Markets Work
Does the DFC’s Portfolio Match Its Development Mandate?
Memo Aug 28, 2023

Does the DFC’s Portfolio Match Its Development Mandate?

BLUF: DFC’s portfolio is increasingly skewed toward richer markets in direct contradiction to its original development mandate and congressional intent. The trend is a result of external pressures placed on the agency plus internal limitations that Congress can mitigate in future reauthorization.
Making Markets Work
Hub vs Hub: The debate over development finance for natural gas is messy. Here are two pragmatic solutions.
Blog Nov 07, 2022

Hub vs Hub: The debate over development finance for natural gas is messy. Here are two pragmatic solutions.

The fight over when – or even whether – to use development finance for gas-fired power plants in…

Future of Energy Tech
Making Markets Work