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52 results found

EV manufacturing shows signs of promise in Africa
Media Coverage Jul 08, 2024 African Business

EV manufacturing shows signs of promise in Africa →

Several African start-ups have manufacturing operations on the continent, but far greater investment is needed for the sector to flourish.

Shaping Energy Transitions
Five Hard Truths for African Leaders at COP27
Op-Eds Oct 03, 2022

Five Hard Truths for African Leaders at COP27

Originally published in the Continent, October 1, 2022. The shadow of Europe’s energy crisis – and the rich…

Better Metrics and Data
AI in Africa: Basics Over Buzz
Op-Eds Mar 28, 2024 Science

AI in Africa: Basics Over Buzz

Part 1 of Research Director Rose Mutiso's series on artificial intelligence in Africa.

Making Markets Work
Shaping Energy Transitions