For Africa, it’s Grid + Off-grid, not Grid vs. Off-grid
Can Africans increase their access to energy faster and more broadly through an on-grid or an off-grid approach?
In many countries, electric grids and utilities — central to making energy systems work — are caught in a financial death spiral. It’s time to think outside the box.
Reliable grids and high-performing, financially sustainable utilities will be core to a high-energy, low-carbon future.
But today, many grids are dilapidated, utilities are in a financial death spiral, and governments lack the quality data needed to make smart infrastructure decisions and plan for the future.
Bankrupt utilities and failing grid infrastructure mean customers pay more for lower quality power. They also create massive, system-wide financial risks that prevent the investment needed to improve energy systems.
The Hub analyzes evolving drivers of financial risk and underperformance, explores emerging technological, data, and business solutions, and helps decision-makers assess their options for reform and investment.
Utilities are the heart of the entire energy sector.
Can Africans increase their access to energy faster and more broadly through an on-grid or an off-grid approach?