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80 results found

Solar’s Future, India’s Mega-Market, and Why Saying No Isn’t a Viable Energy Strategy: Q&A with Varun Sivaram
Blog May 18, 2020

Solar’s Future, India’s Mega-Market, and Why Saying No Isn’t a Viable Energy Strategy: Q&A with Varun Sivaram

Varun Sivaram heads anyone’s short list of global solar power experts. A physicist, best-selling author and clean energy technology expert with experience spanning the corporate, policy and academic sectors, Sivaram was most recently the CTO of ReNew Power, India’s largest renewable energy firm. His 2018 book, Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet, was heralded by the Financial Times as “the best available overview of where the industry finds itself today, and a road map for how it can reach that brighter future.”

Future of Energy Tech
India gets creative to power the next phase of its renewable energy transition
Blog May 28, 2020

India gets creative to power the next phase of its renewable energy transition

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, 2020 is shaping up as a pivotal year in India’s transition toward renewable energy. Over the prior decade, India dramatically accelerated its deployment of wind and solar power (see figure). Now it must grapple with the challenges of integrating ever-larger quantities of volatile renewable energy into its grid. In the first half of 2020, the government has successfully concluded two creative tenders for flexible renewable energy that represent steps in the right direction—even though serious challenges remain to keep India’s energy transition on track.

Future of Energy Tech