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51 results found

Coffee Break Briefing with John Ayaburi and Morgan Bazilian: “Estimating ‘reasonably reliable’ electricity”
Multimedia Apr 29, 2021

Coffee Break Briefing with John Ayaburi and Morgan Bazilian: “Estimating ‘reasonably reliable’ electricity”

SDG7 commits the world to ending energy poverty by “ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy…

Better Metrics and Data
Coffee Break Briefing with Jessica Lovering and Third Way’s Jackie Kempfer: “Mapping the Global Market for Advanced Nuclear”
Multimedia Oct 07, 2020

Coffee Break Briefing with Jessica Lovering and Third Way’s Jackie Kempfer: “Mapping the Global Market for Advanced Nuclear”

Advanced nuclear has the potential to help meet both future energy demand and climate goals. But is this…

Future of Energy Tech