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58 results found

The Case for Transparency in Power Project Contracts: A Proposal for the Creation of Global Disclosure Standards (Revised August 2022)
Report Aug 18, 2022

The Case for Transparency in Power Project Contracts: A Proposal for the Creation of Global Disclosure Standards (Revised August 2022)

The purpose of a nation’s power sector is to deliver reliable electricity at the lowest cost and for…

Making Markets Work
BUILDing a DFC Fit for Purpose: Eight recommendations for a robust reauthorization of America’s development finance institution
Memo Nov 14, 2023

BUILDing a DFC Fit for Purpose: Eight recommendations for a robust reauthorization of America’s development finance institution

BLUF: Looming reauthorization is an opportunity to reinvigorate DFC’s ability to support US national goals. We suggest eight ways Congress can give the agency the resources and flexibility needed to live up to its original vision.
Making Markets Work