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490 results found

Why the Climate Panic About Africa Is Wrong
Op-Eds Dec 06, 2021

Why the Climate Panic About Africa Is Wrong

Originally appeared in Foreign Policy, December 6, 2021. As climate pledges pile up, a worrying theme is emerging...

Better Metrics and Data
Why Hasn’t Africa Gone Digital?
Op-Eds Aug 11, 2020

Why Hasn’t Africa Gone Digital?

Originally appeared in a Scientific American post, August 11, 2020 COVID-19 has spurred massive changes in how the…

Making Markets Work
Shaping Energy Transitions
India gets creative to power the next phase of its renewable energy transition
Blog May 28, 2020

India gets creative to power the next phase of its renewable energy transition

In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, 2020 is shaping up as a pivotal year in India’s transition toward renewable energy. Over the prior decade, India dramatically accelerated its deployment of wind and solar power (see figure). Now it must grapple with the challenges of integrating ever-larger quantities of volatile renewable energy into its grid. In the first half of 2020, the government has successfully concluded two creative tenders for flexible renewable energy that represent steps in the right direction—even though serious challenges remain to keep India’s energy transition on track.

Future of Energy Tech